SATs Results
KS2 SATs results are always hotly anticipated and the results of the 2024 Key Stage 2 SATs will be no different.
When are the 2024 KS2 SATs results? Well that depends on whether you're a parent, a school or a school performance table!
Here we will talk about when parents and primary schools can expect to receive their children's SATs results, where they come from and how they're presented.
Table of Contents
Parents - 2024 KS2 SATs Results
Firstly, let's make one thing clear - Parents do find out their children's full KS2 SATs results!
When do parents get their child's KS2 SATs results?
Parents do not get their child's KS2 SATs results on a particular day that's 'set in stone' by the government. Instead, parents get their children's SATs results soon after their school is made aware of them in early July 2024.

Your child's school will want to first check their entire Year 6 SATs results to ensure that there are no marking or administrative errors. They may also want to appeal some exam results if they feel a particular child hasn't performed as expected or if there any other potential anomalies.
How will parents get their child's SATs results?
It's most likely that your child will receive an 'end of year report' (or similar) around the week commencing 17th July 2024 and within it will be a page detailing their 2024 Key Stage 2 SATs results. There may also be a brief explanation of what they mean, helping parents interpret them.
The results will be presented as a table detailing your child's scaled score and the standard they achieved for each SATs test. See below for an example:

In this example, a child called 'James Peterson' has achieved:
A scaled score of 105 in English Reading, achieving EXS (the expected standard).
A scaled score of 96 in Maths, achieving HNM (has not met the expected standard).
A scaled score of 107 in Grammar punctuation and spelling, achieving EXS (the expected standard).
For a full list of all the KS2 SATs outcome codes (such as EXS and HNM used above) as well as what they mean, please see our dedicated SATs Scores Explained article. This SATs Scores Explained article also explains how SATs papers are marked, the difference between raw scores and scaled scores and much more.
What are my child's KS2 SATs results used for?
KS2 SATs aren't just used to measure your child's level of attainment and progress.

Arguably the most important reason for KS2 SATs is that the results can be grouped anonymously across an entire school, city or region to allow local authorities and the government to make comparisons.
These comparisons help the Department for Education (DfE) ensure that schools can be held to account for the attainment of their students and the progress they make.
The results are also published later in the year to form school performance tables (also called school league tables).
Schools - 2024 KS2 SATs Results
Schools are always the first to know their pupil's SATs results.
When do schools get their pupil's KS2 SATs Results?
Schools get their pupil's KS2 SATs results online in early July 2024 via the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG).
KS2 SATs - Before SATs Results Day
Staff are required to carefully pack all completed SATs tests together with the mandatory supporting documentation (attendance registers, headteacher's declaration etc) immediately after each test.

The tests are then collected by a courier (normally Parcelforce) throughout the test week. They're sent to the 'Test Operations Service' in Darlington where they are scanned for and marked externally online by a team of exam markers.
It's important to note that completed SATs test materials are not normally returned to schools in hard copy. This only tends to happen when scanning (and hence online marking) is not possible.
Teacher Assessment Data
Teachers are required to submit teacher assessment data online (via PAG) from the week after KS2 SATs week. The window for submitting all data related to teacher assessments runs if yet to be formally announced but is likely to be between mid-May and the end of June 2024.
Assuming that schools have correctly complied with administering the KS2 SATs then the results will be published online in early July 2024 via the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG).
Viewing a pupil's completed SATs tests
Schools are able to view and download each of their pupil's completed SATs tests via the PAG. This includes their spelling test, English reading paper and every mathematics paper.
Downloading completed SATs papers can be done by selecting the test subject within the 'View and download KS2 test results' form in the 'Available activity' section.

The PAG also allows for each question paper and its mark schemes to be downloaded.
We would encourage schools to find the time to check their pupil's SATs papers for any obvious marking errors. PAG will also allow teachers to download scaled score conversion tables to check all scores have been correctly applied.
Appealing a child's SATs Result(s)
Mistakes can happen and so it's important that schools are aware of and are prepared to use the marking appeals process.

For an appeal to be successful it needs to result in a change to:
a pupil achieving the expected standard
a pupil not meeting the expected standard
2 or more marks to the raw score
It's important to note that any appeal may result in a pupil's marks going up or going down and that unsuccessful appeals carry a financial cost (detailed below).
In the event that a school wishes to appeal any particular SATs result, they can do this via the PAG. This is possible via the 'View and download KS2 test results' form in the 'Available activity' section.
Appealing a 2024 KS2 SATs result can take one of two forms:
A Marking review appeal
A Clerical review appeal
Marking Review Appeals
This type of appeal is for when teachers feel a pupil's paper has not been marked as per the marking scheme. Schools can apply for as many marking review appeals as they wish.
Each marking review is subject to a charge of £9 per pupil if the review is not successful.
Clerical Review Appeals
This type of appeal is for when teachers believe a simple clerical error has occurred in either:
adding up the marks incorrectly.
tests have been accidentally matched to the wrong pupil.
an error exists within (or has been made interpreting) the attendance register.
Each clerical review appeal is subject to a charge of £5 per pupil if the review is not successful.
School Performance Tables
The 2024 KS2 SATs results are expected to become publicly available on online school performance tables (also known as school league tables) on 13th December 2024.

As with 2023, the 2024 KS2 SATs results will be very interesting as it may show a significant change in attainment since the pandemic. The results may allow people to draw conclusions about whether certain schools, parents or pupils coped best with a significant time of home learning.
Whatever may be learned from the 2024 school league tables may take some time and indeed several further years of data to piece together. However, the 2024 results will still allow parents (and prospective parents) to analyse their school's performance.
Will SATs results be published in 2024?
Yes - Each school's SATs results will be published in school performance tables in December.
When do SATs results come out in 2024?
SATs results are issued to schools on 9th July 2024. Teachers will give this information to parents shortly afterwards.
What time are SATs results released in 2024?
SATs results are issued to schools at 7:30 am on KS2 Results Day in early July (day tbc) via the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG).
Where can I get my KS2 SATs results in 2024?
Schools can find their KS2 SATs results on the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG) in early July. Parents will be issued with their children's results shortly afterwards.