KS1 SATs Papers
Download KS1 SATs papers for free.
Download KS1 SATs Papers
Download KS1 SATs papers to help children prepare for their KS1 SATs tests. Every past SATs paper is free to download for home learning.
KS1 SATs English Reading Papers
Year | Reading Booklet 1 | Reading Booklet 2 | Reading Answer Booklet | Administrator's Guide | Modified Materials Pack | Answers | Scaled Scores / Levels |
2024 | |||||||
2023 | |||||||
2022 | |||||||
2019 | |||||||
2018 | |||||||
2017 | |||||||
2016 | |||||||
2016 (Sample) | |||||||
2009 | |||||||
2007 | |||||||
2005 | |||||||
2004 | |||||||
2003 |
Download these KS1 SATs English Reading papers to help prepare children for their KS1 SATs. Download Reading Booklet 1, Reading Booklet 2, the Reading Answer Booklet and the Marking Scheme for the answers.
Table of Contents
Are Year 2 SATs Happening in 2024?
Yes and no....
Compulsory KS1 SATs no longer take place. Following the announcement that they would be cancelled indefinitely in September 2017, the last time KS1 SATs were taken was in May 2023.
However... while formal KS1 SATs no longer take place, the STA still plans, prepares, prints and distributes new KS1 SATs tests every year. This is to allow schools to continue to monitor children's academic standards at the end of Key Stage 1, as laid out in the Education Act 2002. Hence, it is expected that a majority of primary schools will continue to use KS1 SATs with all their children.
What are KS1 SATs?
KS1 SATs papers were a mix of formal exams and informal assessments in English, Maths and Science for children in Year 2. The tests were given in primary schools throughout England. The tests normally took place in a child's classroom and their individual results were given to parents at the end of the school year.
"Past KS1 SATs Papers" (sometimes mistakenly called "pass papers") are KS1 SATs papers that were used in previous years. The sample papers from 2016 were available to schools in 2015 in preparation for the new SATs in 2016.
While often considered formal exams, Key stage 1 SATs papers should really be thought of as informal tests as they were not strictly timed and teachers could stop the test at any point if they felt it was appropriate for a particular child.

When are KS1 SATs?
KS1 SATs are taken during May. As the tests are not strictly timetabled, schools are free to choose the most convenient time for them during the month.
From 2024, despite no longer being required to complete them, it is expected that schools will continue to use KS1 SATs papers as a means of internal pupil assessment.
Who takes KS1 SATs Papers?
KS1 SATs are taken by children that attend state primary schools in England. The tests are taken in Year 2, when they are between 6 and 7 years old. Hence KS1 SATs are sometimes known as 'Year 2 SATs'.
What's in KS1 SATs Papers?
Children take KS1 SATs papers in English reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
Most of the tests use a question paper with answers in a separate booklet. The question types range from being multiple-choice to labelling, reordering and expecting full, open-ended answers. Maths workings should always be shown where possible.
How many KS1 SATs Papers are there?
Children are required to take four separate KS1 SATs papers in English and Maths. There are two separate papers for English Reading and two separate papers for Maths:
English Reading Paper 1 (integrated reading booklet)
English Reading Paper 2 (separate reading booklet)
Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)
Most schools also ask that children take two further KS1 SATs papers:
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Paper 1 (Questions)
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Paper 2 (Spelling)
As well as these tests children take teacher assessments in Writing and Science.
Who marks KS1 SATs papers?
KS1 SATs papers are marked by your child's teacher using the Marking Scheme (answers). In the past, some tests may have been sent off to the Department for Education (DfE) for monitoring standards of marking.
How many marks are there in Year 2 SATs papers?
A full breakdown of the marks available in the Year 2 SATs papers can be found below. Please note that this does not include the Writing and Science teacher assessments:
Test | Total Marks (paper) | Total Marks (test) |
English Reading Paper 1 | 20 marks | 40 marks |
English Reading Paper 2 | 20 marks | |
Mathematics Paper 1 (Arithmetic) | 25 marks | 60 marks |
Mathematics Paper 2 (Reasoning) | 35 marks | |
English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1 (Spelling) | 20 marks | 40 marks |
English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 2 (Questions) | 20 marks |
Do KS1 SATs Papers use Scaled scores?
Yes. After marking each paper, teachers convert a child's 'raw mark' to its equivalent scaled score using scaled score conversion tables. The easiest way to do this is by using our free scaled score converter.
These scaled scores are then passed to parents and showed whether their child had reached the expected standard, exceeded the expected standard or fallen below it.
Why do KS1 SATs exist?
KS1 SATs papers used to allow teachers and schools to check and compare children's performance against national averages. Though controversial, testing at Key Stage 1 allowed schools and government bodies to monitor standards.
KS1 SATs also acted as a reference point in measuring children's development when they take their KS2 SATs in Year 6.
These two national curriculum tests formed the basis of several measurements in school league tables.
As KS1 SATs are no longer statutory tests it is expected that they will only be used to monitor the development of individual children and classes.
Should I help prepare my child for Key Stage 1 SATs?
Yes! Key Stage 1 SATs are an opportunity for your child to really shine. We would recommend parents help their children with our free past KS1 SATs papers archive.
Using past KS1 SATs papers is the fastest and easiest way to help children prepare for their KS1 SATs. Download the past papers, their mark schemes and dedicate some time to private study.
We also have a number of free Year 2 Maths Worksheets for teachers and parents to download. These aim to challenge children on a broad range of Year 2 Maths topics before they face their real tests.

Thanks to Exam Ninja, we are able to provide free access to all these practice papers together with Maths and Spelling audio elements as downloadable MP3 resources for you to use at home.
Alternatively, if you don't want the burden of printing past KS1 SATs papers, buy some practice papers from retailers such as Exam Ninja.
Whether you use past papers or practice papers, you're helping your child feel more confident in their tests.
For a bit of light relief, why not download our Free SATs Crossword or SATs Wordsearch?
History of KS1 SATs Papers
Below you will find the history of KS1 SATs however we also recommend you read about the History of SATs in our dedicated article.
The introduction of Key Stage 1 SATs (1991-2004)
KS1 SATs papers first started in 1991 by the then Conservative government under the Education Reform Act of 1988.
These Key Stage 1 tests were in English, Maths and Science and used a combination of formal testing as well as informal teacher assessment to judge each child's attainment against the national curriculum targets. Children were expected to reach 'level 2' by the end of Key Stage 1.
In 2004, under pressure from the NUT, it was announced that formal KS1 SATs would be scrapped from 2005 onwards.

Informal Teacher Assessment (2005-2015)
Throughout 2005 to 2015, schools would take a more flexible approach to KS1 SATs and use past paper testing as well as teacher assessment to form level judgements on each child.
New KS1 SATs papers (2016-2023)
In 2013, a new national curriculum was announced for 2014 marking the demise of levels, the return of formal KS1 SATs tests and the introduction of a new measure of attainment.
From May 2016, Year 2 children would sit statutory SATs tests in English Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths during May with further teacher assessments in Writing and Science.
The structure of the KS1 SATs papers would closely mimic the KS2 SATs papers, with an English Reading booklet (and separate answer booklet), the Maths split into two papers (arithmetic and reasoning/problem-solving) and the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GaPS) test being short-answer questions and an audible vocabulary test.
However, in May 2016, following an unfortunate incident whereby the KS1 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling SATs Papers were accidentally published on the Department for Education website prior to the test, Schools Minister Nick Gibb announced that the GaPS test would be an optional paper in 2016.
Since then the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GaPS) assessment has remained an optional test to support teacher assessed judgements in English Writing.

Rather than level thresholds, children's performance would be measured using scaled scores and scaled score conversion tables.
Scaled scores could show whether a pupil had reached the 'expected standard', had exceeded it as 'working at greater depth' or had struggled with 'working towards the expected standard'.
KS1 SATs cancelled (2020-2021)
Following the mass-closure of schools in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Department for Education (DfE) announced that the 2020 Key Stage 1 SATs would be cancelled.
As schools were once again closed in January 2021, it was announced that Key Stage 1 SATs would be again cancelled for 2021.
Key Stage 1 SATs papers scrapped again (2023-2024)
Due to ongoing pressure from teaching unions and parent pressure groups, on 14th September 2017 the education secretary announced that KS1 SATs would be scrapped from the 2022-2023 academic year.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the scrapping was delayed for one further year. Hence, the 2022-2023 academic year will see KS1 SATs take place one final time.
On 21st July 2022 the STA confirmed that from the 2023-24 academic year, KS1 SATs assessments would become non-statutory. Hence it's likely that schools will continue to use past SATs papers to monitor children's progress but they will no longer be required to take formal tests.
Instead of taking SATs in Year 2, schools will administer the Reception Baseline Assessment.
Are KS1 SATs bad or good for my child?
Why not read our article 7 BAD things about SATs (and 7 GOOD things!).
How do I prepare my child for KS1 SATs?
Preparation is recommended by using past KS1 SATs papers, revision guides and workbooks. For more information, see our dedicated SATs Revision Guide.
Are there new KS1 SATs papers?
Yes. While the 2023 SATs were the final mandatory KS1 SATs papers, optional tests were published for schools to use in 2024.
How many papers SATs KS1?
Altogether there are six KS1 SATs Papers - two English Reading, two Maths and two Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar.
What Papers are in KS1 SATs?
KS1 SATs Papers are taken in English Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (sometimes called 'SPaG' or 'GaPS').