Year 1 Phonics Screening 2025

In June 2025, the Year 1 Phonics Screening Test is scheduled to take place for all children in Year 1 in England. Use previous years Phonics Screening Tests to help prepare your child for their upcoming Phonics Screening Check.

About the 2025 Phonics Test

Children that were unable to take the 2024 Phonics Screening Test in June 2024 will need to take the 2025 Phonics Screening Test in Year 2.

The best way to prepare for the Year 1 Phonics Screening 2025 is to use practice papers from the 2019 Phonics Screening Test, 2022 Phonics Screening Test, 2023 Phonics Screening Test and 2024 Phonics Screening Test.

Who takes the 2025 Phonics Screening Test?

The 2025 Phonics Screening will be taken by children in Year 1, the first year of Key Stage 1.

When is the Phonics Screening Test 2025?

Schools have the freedom to choose a day within the week commencing 9th June 2025. As some schools are larger than others, the test can take place on one day or across several days.

Teachers will administer the tests within that week and submit teacher assessment data shortly afterwards to the Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG).

2025 Phonics Screening Test Downloads

Once available we will publish the 2025 Phonics Screening Test Downloads here along with word lists and whole-class PowerPoint presentations. These additional resources will be published by Exam Ninja.

2025 Phonics Screening Test Audio

Once the Year 1 Phonics Screening Tests for 2025 are released by the government Exam Ninja will publish audio files here, as they have for every previous test.

2025 Phonics Screening Test Threshold

Once the 2025 Phonics Assessment for Year 1 is released by the government we will publish threshold pass mark here. That said, it is normally 32 marks out of 40 and a deviation from this is not expected. Children who scored 32 marks or more met the expected standard while those that score below 32 had not.

Children that didn't meet the expected standard in the 2025 Phonics Test will required to take the test again the following year, the 2025 Phonics Screening Test.


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