Online KS2 SATs Tests
Use these SATs tests to help your children prepare for their KS2 SATs!
KS2 Maths 10-Minute SATs Tests
- Calculators are not allowed.
- Each test has 12 multiple-choice questions.
- Ensure you have 10 minutes to complete each test as once a test has started it cannot be paused.
- Some questions may require working so we recommend that you have a pencil and some paper.
- When you are ready to start a test, click on the relevant 'Test' button below.
KS2 Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 10-Minute SATs Tests
- Each test has 20 multiple-choice questions.
- Ensure you have 10 minutes to complete each test as once a test has started it cannot be paused.
- When you are ready to start a test, click on the relevant 'Test' button below.
Table of Contents
What are SATs Tests?
"SATs tests" is a term used for the mandatory national curriculum assessments called 'SATs'. Rather than being a full SATs paper (sat under formal exam conditions), a "SATs test" is often an informal, untimed practice test.
With the Key Stage 2 SATs tests taking place again in 2025 plenty of parents and tutors will use KS2 SATs past papers to help their children prepare as part of their SATs revision plan.

KS2 SATs are hard!
No parent wants their child to fail their KS2 SATs. It's important they get a good score by reaching (or exceeding) the expected standard.
The best way to do this is with plenty of targeted preparation using SATs past papers (or sample papers). However, instead of hitting the books "long and hard", the best way to master a subject is with targeted "little and often" practice.

Free Online KS2 SATs Tests
These tests are multiple-choice online assessments in English and Maths. We have written each test to help your child prepare for their real Key Stage 2 tests.
English & Maths KS2 SATs Tests
Using our website, children can take free SATs tests in Maths and English GaPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling). We do not currently cover Science as that is no longer a formal test.
These mock SATs tests are modelled on previous and sample SATs papers to reflect the same level of difficulty.
We have designed these free SATs tests to closely mimic the 2025 SATs and include as many different questions and topics as possible.

Multiple-Choice Questions
Follow the instructions within each test above. Unlike the real tests, each question has four answer options to choose from.
These questions aren't easy. Your child will need to have a piece of scrap paper, a pencil and a rubber to hand for rough workings out. They are not allowed to use a calculator and will need to be left alone, in a peaceful environment for the period of each test.

Once a child has been tested their score will be displayed. Unlike printed tests, there's no need to add up your child's marks - we do that for you!
Full Answers
Full answers can be viewed after each test. You can go through each question with your child (viewing their answer alongside the correct answer) to see where they may have gone wrong.
Who can use these tests?
We have written these free online tests primarily for parents. However, school teachers and personal tutors are more than welcome to use these SATs tests with their pupils.
Indeed, teachers in schools may find using these online tests to be a relief - no marking!
Why use Online Testing?
As well as using printed practice SATs papers and past KS2 SATs papers, it's very useful for children to utilise "bite-size" online testing.
Taking practice KS2 SATs tests in an online environment helps develop your child's exam speed and subject confidence. It's also a lot more fun for kids to be fiddling with something online!

Also, multiple-choice questions demand a slightly different thinking technique. This format of assessment forces children to think differently and more broadly about the topics.
Put simply, the quick-fire nature and different testing format helps children develop their exam skills and subject knowledge.
Online or Printed - What's the difference?
The real SATs tests are taken within schools, printed on paper and they expect pupils to answer the questions using a "full written" format. This means that they need to write their answer in an answer box and show full workings and/or write in full sentences where appropriate.
By contrast, these free online KS2 SATs tests are presented as multiple-choice questions.

As such, it is impossible to replicate some SATs questions that (for example) require diagrams to be drawn, angles to be measured or boxes to be matched etc.
Online or Printed - What's better?
Both printed and online SATs tests are great for practice and preparation.
Some people will take an old-fashioned view and insist on only using printed past KS2 SATs papers but really, it depends on the child.

What's important to remember is that the real KS2 SATs that children will sit in May are always printed on paper, taken in a classroom and sat under formal exam conditions.
KS2 SATs tests are often informal, untimed SATs exams.
We provide free online SATs tests to help pupils to revise.
Online testing is very useful and helps to boost children's confidence, subject knowledge and exam technique.
Our online tests use multiple-choice questions.
The real KS2 SATs always use printed paper.