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Below you'll find all our helpful posts about SATs Papers. Keep up to date for more info about the forthcoming SATs!

2023 KS2 SATs - Dates Change due to King's Coronation

2023 KS2 SATs - Dates Change due to King's Coronation

Due to the coronation of King Charles on Monday 8th May 2023, the KS2 SATs exams have been rescheduled.

How can I help my child with SATs? An informal guide

How can I help my child with SATs? An informal guide

Looking for more informal ways to help your child through their SATs? Here's some great ideas to help get you started.

12 Crucial Tips for 2025 SATs for parents of Year 2 and Year 6 children

12 Crucial Tips for 2025 SATs for parents of Year 2 and Year 6 children

Here are 12 Top Tips for SATs Success in the 2025 tests! Written for parents of children in Year 2 and Year 6. Boost Confidence & Marks!

Are KS2 SATs Important? A Parent's Guide

Are KS2 SATs Important? A Parent's Guide

Are KS2 SATs actually important OR IS that a myth? Should parents care OR IS it ALL about the school? Here are ALL the facts, let us explain.

Free Online SATs Tests - English & Maths KS2 SATs Tests

Free Online SATs Tests - English & Maths KS2 SATs Tests

Try these FREE Online SATs tests! KS2 SATs Tests in English & Maths - Perfect for 2023 SATs preparation!

SATs Revision

SATs Revision

The 2023 KS2 SATs are on the horizon for children in Year 6. Should we bother revising? Are SATs actually stressful? How can we best prepare our children? Help your child achieve top marks in the 2023 KS2 SATs with our Year 6 SATs Revision Guide!

What are SATs?

What are SATs?

What are SATs? Can my child fail their SATs? When will my children take SATs? What does 'SATs' stand for? Are SATs in the UK the same as SATs in the USA? This comprehensive guide will give parents and teachers all the answers they're looking for.

Reception Baseline Assessment

Reception Baseline Assessment

What is the Reception Baseline Assessment? When will the Reception Baseline Assessment take place? Can my child fail it? When will we get the results? These questions and many more are explained in this comprehensive guide for teachers, parents and children.

SATs Scores Explained

SATs Scores Explained

What's the highest SATs score my children can get? What are SATs out of? Do SATs still use level thresholds? What are Scaled Scores? When will my child receive their SATs results? This complete guide will give parents and teachers all the answers they're looking for.


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